Small Conferences, Courses or SymposiaISCBFM is accepting applications from active Society members for partial sponsorship of small conferences/courses that are related to the overall scientific goals of the society and of potential benefit to its members. Eligibility Proposal evaluation TimelinesFor conferences/courses to be held as Satellite meetings with Brain/BrainPET in odd years (2025):
Procedure to apply for financial support for ISCBFM Eligibility: The applicant must be an active member of ISCBFM and must be on the Organizing Committee of the meeting requesting support.
Significance and Value to the Society: Describe the stated purpose of the conference/course and the scientific relevance in the field. How does the Satellite meetings relate to the Symposium? Describe how the topic/activities of the course will specifically benefit the Society as a whole and its members. Candidate courses should address the scientific priorities of the Society, in both scientific/conceptual as well as technical advances. The standard language must be English.
History of the conference/course: Is the currently proposed conference/course being held for the first time or has it been conducted prior to this application? Is this a one-time event? Are the proceedings of the conference/course made public either on a website or as a publication? Audience: What is the targeted audience of the conference/course? How will the conference/ course benefit Society members and is there a pathway to bring new/junior members into the Society through participation in the conference/course. Include a specific plan as to how this conference will help expand Society membership. Candidate courses should have a substantial, although not necessarily exclusive, appeal to young scientists, including a formal mentoring component in the agenda. Preference will be given to conferences/courses that have plans for both formal and informal interactions/mentoring between established senior investigators and young scientists. Preference will be given to conferences with plans to include minorities as well as young scientists from underrepresented areas. The Society will favor funding travel bursaries to young investigators or students, with encouragement to join the Society. Faculty/Invited Speakers: Provide a list of invited faculty, indicating clearly whether they are confirmed or proposed, along with tentative topics. Candidate conferences/courses should include faculty from within the Society as well as senior investigators from outside but related fields in order to broaden the knowledge base of the Society. What is the international spread of the proposed faculty? What are the qualifications of the organizers, including previous history of organizing such conferences or courses? Take into consideration gender, geographic balance and different seniority levels. Agenda: When is the meeting planned to take place and what is the planned duration of the conference/course?(Satellite meetings should occur one week before or one week after the the Brain/BrainPET Symposium). What is the proposed agenda for the entire duration? What are the titles of the sessions, the length of orals and the time for posters, if any? Are there plans to ensure both formal mentoring as well as ample informal interactions between senior investigators/faculty and young investigators. Venue: Describe the proposed venue for the conference/course including details of meeting room space, break out space, and dining space if relevant. If a multi-day event, will the housing be in close proximity to the meeting space? What are the arrangements for persons with disabilities? Are there arrangements for child care? Outline transportation arrangements between the Satellite meeting and the Brain/BrainPET Symposium. Budget: What is the proposed budget for the entire conference/course, what is the requested amount from the Society, and what is the secured co-funded budget? Will the support from the Society be earmarked for a specific expense category or dispersed for general expenditures? Please provide specific justification for the budget in a separate file. Preference will be given to applications proposing ample support for young investigators/trainees, minorities, and individuals from underrepresented areas. Active Members, submit your sponsorship application for Brain/BrainPET 2025 Satellite meeting using the button below by Friday, February 14th.