Call for Bids - Brain/BrainPET 2029 Venue

The site of Brain/BrainPET 2029 will be selected at the ISCBFM Board of Directors meeting to be held during this year's conference in Seoul, Republic of Korea. 

According to the custom of the Society, the meeting location ordinarily cycles among the Americas, Europe and Asia. While we are accepting bids from all locations for 2029, we strongly encourage bids from the Americas since it will have been over 10 years since the last conference was held there.

Any active members wishing to organize the 2029 meeting should send a letter of intent to the ISCBFM Executive Director no later than March 31, 2025. The letter of intent should include:

  • the names and professional affiliation(s) of the Local Organizing Committee (Chairs & members);
  • the place/venue and proposed date(s) of the symposium;
  • the name(s) of the proposed Professional Conference Organizers (PCO).
    • the PCO will need to provide a proposed budget for the presentation in Seoul.

After the March 31st deadline, detailed instructions will be sent to the submitting applicants, including meeting structure, assignments, and budget requirements. Formal presentations will be due May 16, 2025.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in Seoul!

2029 Bid Manual