
The Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism (JCBFM) published by SAGE is the official journal of the ISCBFM.

JCBFM stands at the interface between basic and clinical neurovascular research, and features timely and relevant research highlighting experimental, theoretical, and clinical aspects of brain circulation, metabolism and imaging.

Having published high quality peer-reviewed research for more than 30 years and with a 2022/2023 impact factor of 6.3 *, the journal continues to attract the best material in the fields of neuroscience, hematology and endocrinology and metabolism.

2023 Rankings:

38/272 Neurosciences (SCIE)
26/145 Endocrinology & Metabolism (SCIE)
18/79     Hematology (SCIE)

*Source: Journal Citation Reports from Clarivate, 2023, Scopus®, 2022 release and Google Scholar

Jun Chen, MD (University of Pittsburgh, USA)

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Why publish in JCBFM?

  • High impact and quartile 1 ranked in 3 JCR categories, indexed in MEDLINE, Scopus and other major databases
  • Quick and easy online submission
  • Rigorous and high quality peer review in line with the ARRIVE guidelines
  • Rapid publication after acceptance: your article will be published online within 25 working days of receipt. Online first articles are now available on
  • Open access option available (click here for further details)
  • High visibility via, and all ISCBFM receive access to the journal
  • Authors and readers are able to share articles via social media, and a social media Editor has been appointed
  • Electronic TOCs sign up is available at      

 Submit online today at

As a member of the ISCBFM you will be eligible for:

  • Print or Online Access to JCBFM
  • Reduced combined page/color charges when submitting to JCBFM:
    $97 per page for members (25% discount)
    $130 per page for non-members
  • Reduced article processing charges if you choose your article to be published open access:
    $2,250 + VAT (where applicable) per article for members (18% discount)
    $3,000 + VAT (where applicable) per article for non-members

To become a member and take advantage of the above benefits click here