In This Issue...
- Brain & BrainPET 2019
- Call for Nominations (Directors & Officers)
- Lifetime Achievement Award - Call for Nominations
- Early Career Investigator Committee Update
Brain & BrainPET 2019
Happy New Year! On behalf of the President, Local Organizing Committee and Program Committee of the International Society for Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism (ISCBFM), we would like to invite you to BRAIN & BRAIN PET 2019, the 29th International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow, Metabolism and Function in conjunction with the 14th International Conference on Quantification of Brain Function with PET to be held in Yokohama, Japan from July 4 - 7, 2019.
Following the tradition of previous biannual meetings, BRAIN & BRAIN PET 2019 will cover numerous aspects within the area of neuroscience research, particularly those related to brain function and metabolism, cerebral blood flow, the function of the neurovascular unit and the blood-brain barrier, brain imaging, brain repair, and cerebrovascular pathology. Our goal is to present the state-of-the art and novel discoveries of these fields in the conference.
Abstract Submission Deadline has been extended to January 31st!
Don't miss this opportunity to share your research findings and present at Brain & BrainPET 2019. Travel bursary applications are part of the abstract submission process and must be completed by the January 31st! Click here to submit your abstract now.
Call for Nominations - Directors & Officers
Elections for new Directors and Officers are coming up. Please make use of your nominating rights as an ISCBFM member and choose who will lead ISCBFM for the coming years. It is very important that our membership participates in the Nomination process.
Deadline for receipt of nominations along with a biography is March 15, 2019.
** Please Note **
Only Ordinary, Early Career, Scholar and Emeritus Members who are are in good standing and have been active members for at least 90 days have the right to vote. Click here to login and pay your membership dues if you have not already done so for 2019. (Username: )
Submit the nomination of the candidate (by E-mail only) to the ISCBFM Administrative Office (listed below) with the names of 3 members who support the nomination. Each member may nominate up to 5 candidates. The candidate must submit a signed statement that he/she accepts the nomination and is invited to provide a brief biography which will be published along with the ballots.
We seek to maintain a balanced representation from Asia, Europe, and North America on the Board of Directors. Thus, we encourage members to propose nominees from all 3 geographical groups.
The biography for candidates should be short (5-8 lines) and should include position, affiliation, major research area, and possibly other relevant information. A photograph should be included.
Submit nominations for Directors to:
ISCBFM Administrative Office Lisa Hetherington, Executive Director 9650 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20814 [email protected] 301-634-7438
Suggestions for President and Treasurer: Members should submit suggestions for the office of President-Elect (to serve as President for 2021-2023) and Treasurer-Elect (to serve as Treasurer for 2021-2023) to the ISCBFM Administrative Office (listed below). From the list of suggestions, two candidates will be selected for each position for the final ballot by the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee is made up of the current President, President Elect, and Past President.
Nominations for the position of Secretary is NOT needed at this time as the current Secretary (Dr. Nicolas Blondeau) is in the second year of his 6 year term.
Submit nominations for President and Treasurer to:
ISCBFM Administrative Office Lisa Hetherington, Executive Director 9650 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20814 [email protected] 301-634-7438
Call for Nominations...............................January 16, 2019
Close of nominations (Directors)............March 15, 2019
Close of nominations (Officers)..............March 15, 2019
Voting Opens..........................................April 15, 2019
Voting Closes.........................................June 3, 2019
Results declared....................................At General Assembly in Yokohama
Lifetime Achievement Award - Call for Nominations
Nominations are now being accepted for the ISCBFM Lifetime Achievement Award to be presented at the BRAIN/BRAINPET meeting in Yokohama. The first ISCBFM Lifetime achievement Awards were awarded to N. Lassen and D. Ingvar at the Brain 97 meeting. The award has been given every meeting since then to recognize exceptional contributions to the Society. Nominations can be received from any member of the Society and will be reviewed by the Executive Committee who will act as the Nominating Committee. Their recommendation will be discussed and voted on by the Board of Directors prior to the BRAIN/BRAINPET meeting.
Nominations should include a brief biography that includes a list of important publications, positions held and contributions to the Society. Please send your nominations to the Executive Director of the ISCBFM at [email protected].
Deadline for nomination is February 28, 2019.
Previous Winners
2017: Richard Traystman 2015: Pak Chan & Olaf Paulson 2013: Michael A. Moskowitz 2011: Marcus E. Raichle 2009: Cesare Fieschi, Takaaki Kirino & Akira Tamura 2007: Konstantin-Alexander Hossmann 2005: Martin Reivich 2003: Fred Plum & Bo K. Siesjo 2001: Fumio Gotoh 1999: Seymour S. Kety & Louis Sokoloff 1997: Niels A. Lassen & David H. Ingvar
Early Career Investigator Committee Update
By Yongting Wang and Samuel Knauss, ECIC
Dear ISCBFM members, We are delighted to present you with an update on our Mentorship program and the announcement of an educational course, “How to get started as an independent investigator”, as part of the educational program of Brain 2019.
The Mentorship program was established in 2017 to help achieve two of the ISCBFM’s main goals--to help early career investigators develop and to promote interactions between senior and junior researchers in our field. Thanks to the enthusiasm of our members, the launch of the ISCBFM mentorship program was a great success. We decided to start with a small cohort pairing the first 10 applicants with senior members that share similar research interests. This year, we conducted a survey of the program. Most of the mentor/mentee pairs are in touch on a regular basis, one having met more than 20 times in the last year! Based on the feedback collected from our mentor/mentee pairs, we will further develop the program to enhance the mentorship experience.
The ECIC is planning to continue the mentorship program. During your registration for the Brain 2019 conference, please be on the lookout for a box to indicate your interest in joining the mentorship program. The Networking Event at the Brain 2019 conference in Yokohama will also host our second Mentorship meet-up for the pairs of the current and the next round of the ISCBFM Mentorship program. We look forward to your participation.
Getting started as an independent researcher is one of the most crucial steps in the career path of every “Early Career Investigator”. The educational course, “How to get started as an independent investigator”, focuses on three main topics including: Funding, collaboration and project management, each of these is a principal component for the successful progression to independence. This course will provide invaluable insights from highly successful researchers who have just launched their independent group and from senior scientists who have guided post-docs toward this important step. The strategic advice and material presented in the course will help participants develop an approach that helps them overcome challenges and prepares them for a smooth transition to independence. We look forward to this great course and especially welcome the president of ISCBFM Eng Lo on the panel. We hope you will join us as well!